What is iFixit?
Is your any valuable accessory is got damaged ? now you don't need to worry... iFixit is the free repair manual that you can edit. We are a community of people helping each other fix stuff. Come hang out with us—you'll find a friendly, helpful bunch of people who care about things and want to make them last longer.
iFixit are building a free repair manual for every device. That's a monumental undertaking, but we're making great progress—one photo at a time. We'd love your help!
Do you have a repair manual for X?
Maybe! We have a lot of guides. Try searching for it or browsing our manuals.
If you don't find a manual for your device, consider starting one. It's easy, and you don't have to be an expert!
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Can I really fix X myself?
Probably! But it depends how well your skills match the task. Every repair guide has a difficulty rating at the top that will give you some idea of what's involved. But you don't have to take that rating as gospel! Try looking through the guide ahead of time to see if it's a procedure you feel matches your skill level. And if it's completely broken now, you might not have anything to lose!
Who started iFixit?
We got started by Kyle and Luke when they were engineering students wanting to make a difference. Kyle has traveled extensively studying our materials ecosystem, and talks about the problem with electronic waste in this video.
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